From this mass of alphabet letters, we can create easy sentence STRUCTURES

When teaching ESL to young children, I like to start off with easy sentence structures.
Teaching the basics such as the numbers, shapes, colours etc. can be hard going for them when first learning another language. Short easy sentence structures are the way to go.
Obviously, as time goes by, you can easily make the sentences more complex according to the level of the pupil.

It’s important that these sentence structures are said repeatedly until the child picks them up and starts to say them naturally without much effort.

Basic vocabulary can also be introduced with the help of flashcards, drawings or other visual aids, so as to have a corresponding image of the words being taught.


Have fun! 😊😊
Idea for this post from HERE
Thank you. One little girl I work with likes to line up several of the letters, then asks me what word she has just spelled. We have a laugh as I try to pronounce seven consonants in a row. Lol…
Nice choice for the challenge!
Thank you very much… 😊