Basic Italian for kids, colours, animals, numbers and shapes…
How do I teach Italian to my kid(s)?
Teaching Italian to kids doesn’t have to be difficult and boring.
Remember, it’s important to make the process fun and engaging.
Here’s a list of some fun and effective ways to teach Italian to kids:
- Use games and interactive activities to make learning fun.
- Introduce new words and phrases through songs, stories, and other engaging materials.
- Incorporate everyday objects and experiences into your lessons, such as labeling household items with their Italian names or practicing ordering food in a restaurant.
- Set aside dedicated time each day for practicing Italian with your child.
- Make use of flashcards, worksheets, and other visual aids to help with memorization and retention.
- Practice speaking Italian with your child on a regular basis, and encourage them to speak with native Italian speakers if possible.
- Watch Italian cartoons or movies together to help your child get accustomed to hearing and understanding the language.
- Consider enrolling your child in an Italian language class or hiring a private tutor to provide additional support and guidance.
- Celebrate milestones and achievements with rewards or other positive reinforcement.
- Lastly, be patient and encouraging, and remember that learning a new language is a process that takes time and practice.

Some basics of Italian
Here’s a list of some of the basics of Italian that can be helpful for kids to learn:
Ciao (hello/goodbye), Buongiorno (good morning), Buonasera (good evening), and Buonanotte (good night).
Uno (one), Due (two), Tre (three), Quattro (four), Cinque (five), Sei (six), Sette (seven), Otto (eight), Nove (nine), Dieci (ten).
Rosso (red), Blu (blue), Giallo (yellow), Verde (green), Nero (black), Bianco (white), Marrone (brown), Grigio (grey), Arancione (orange), Rosa (pink), Viola (purple).
Cane (dog), Gatto (cat), Cavallo (horse), Pesce (fish), Uccello (bird), Coniglio (rabbit), Serpente (snake), Leone (lion), Orso (bear), Tigre (tiger).
Family Members
Mamma (mom), Papà (dad), Fratello (brother), Sorella (sister), Nonno (grandfather), Nonna (grandmother), Zio (uncle), Zia (aunt), Cugino (cousin).
Food and Drinks
Pizza, Pasta, Gelato (ice cream), Limonata (lemonade), Caffè (coffee), Tè (tea), Latte (milk), Formaggio (cheese), Pane (bread), Frutta (fruit).
Basic Phrases
Per favore (please), Grazie (thank you), Mi scusi (excuse me), Come stai? (how are you?), Molto bene (very well), Non capisco (I don’t understand), Parla inglese? (Do you speak English?), Mi chiamo… (My name is…), Piacere di conoscerti (Nice to meet you).
Cerchio (circle), Quadrato (square), Rettangolo (rectangle), Triangolo (triangle), Ovale (oval), Stella (star), Cuore (heart).

If you are ready to start teaching Italian to your kid(s), Look no further. I have put together a selection of flashcards, vocabulary and worksheets for anyone teaching the basics.
Included are:
Nero – Black
Blu – Blue
Marrone – Brown
Verde – Green
Grigio – Grey
Azzurro – Light blue
Arancione – Orange
Rosa – Pink
Viola – Purple
Rosso – Red
Bianco – White
Giallo – Yellow
Cerchio – Circle
Rombo – Rhombus/Diamond
Cuore – Heart
Ovale – Oval
Rettangolo – Rectangle
Quadrato – Square
Stella – Star
Triangolo – Triangle
Gatto – Cat
Mucca – Cow
Cane – Dog
Rana – Frog
Cavallo – Horse
Leone – Lion
Topo – Mouse
Maiale – Pig
Coniglio – Rabbit
Pecora – Sheep
plus, some number and shapes worksheets.
I have also included a glossary of the words with the phonetic spelling, intended as a rough guide to the pronunciation.

Make sure to vary the ways in which you use the flashcards. I like to make two sets of the cards to play memory. Have a look HERE for other ways to use them
If you are looking for some FREE basic Italian lessons and stories for your kids, take a look at
The Italian Experiment website
Click HERE to download this Italian basics for kids set.
Have fun!
N.B This set includes my FREE Italian numbers and shapes resources
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