For Christmas I want…. I don’t want….
Here’s a super easy activity that you can do with your kids to get them to say what they want or don’t want for Christmas.
If you teach ESL students, then this is the ideal time of the year for teaching the following simple structures
- What do you want?
- I want
- I don’t want
For this exercise I cut out some photos of Christmas toys. You can use any Christmas catalogues or supermarket brochures. Cut out what you think your kids may or may not like.

Using the above worksheet, get them to paste the various toys in the columns according to if they want or don’t want them.

Click the link below to download this worksheet
Here’s another way you can do this exercise.

Cut out the Christmas I want; I don’t want emoji discs. Place them on a table or the floor.

Give your kids the photos of toys that you previously cut out. (I laminated these ones so that I can reuse them next year)
Get them to sort the toys under the, I want or I don’t want emoji discs.
For your ESL kids get them to repeat the phrases, I want – I don’t want, as they do this exercise.
Click the link below to download the emojis
I am neither affiliated or work for any of the products shown in the photos.
Have fun! 🎅🎄☃